
Voice-to-Text Transcription


What is Included?

  • An accurate, easy-to-read transcript of your recording(s) in Word format, delivered by your deadline

  • Secure transfer of your recordings and transcripts

  • The opportunity to customize your transcript format and content

  • Unlimited one-on-one correspondence about your project


Pricing is simple and is based on the minutes of audio/video. You'll know your price upfront.

  • Base Pricing: ​

    $2.08 per minute of recording transcribed, for up to two voices

    $3.15 per minute of recording transcribed, for three voices

    $3.80 per minute of recording transcribed, for four or more voices

    **Rush service available, including weekday and weekend, 24-hour, and same day service.

    Contact us to learn more.

Text-to-Text Transcription


We can transform your handwritten documents (such as letters or journal entries), typed documents, PDFs, books, and images into digital Microsoft Word format or plain text format. Fill out this form and provide us with a sample document and we will provide you with a customized quote.

Note-taking + Analysis


We can listen to your recordings and pull out the valuable information that you want. Tailored to your needs, including but not limited to identifying important content, patterns/themes, areas of agreement/disagreement, action items, and pull quotes.


  • Quickly identify important content, action items, next steps, and assignments without having to review video or take notes

  • Participants can be fully present; no one has to be distracted taking notes.

  • No need to bring in a third-party note-taker for confidential meetings

  • A non-disclosure agreement signed with every project ensures that your recordings and transcripts will be kept confidential ​

Pricing depends on what level of detail and synthesis you need. Contact me to discuss your project and to receive a quote. Contact me to discuss your project and receive a quote.